Download: GND-AssembledAnnotations.pdf
Download: GND-AnotacoionesAsembladas.pdf

We are a worker-owned design practice focusing on print, exhibition, interactive, and identity work with clients and collaborators in art, architecture, government, and activism.
232 3rd StreetThe Green New Deal: A Public Assembly focused on modeling democratic debates that seriously consider the ambitions and challenges of the GND by thinking systemically and across scales.
Organized by the Queens Museum, the American Institute of Architects New York (AIA New York), The Architecture Lobby, Francisco J. Casablanca (¿Quién Nos Representa?), Gabriel Hernández Solano (GND Organizer), the Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University, and with support from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
We designed the overall identity, collateral, graphics, maps, visuals, as well as the concept and fabrication for the displays during the event.
Download: GND-AssembledAnnotations.pdf
Download: GND-AnotacoionesAsembladas.pdf