We are a worker-owned design practice focusing on print, exhibition, interactive, and identity work with clients and collaborators in art, architecture, government, and activism.
The Youth Justice Board, an after-school program at the Center for Court Innovation for a group of 20-30 high-school students, had found that 20 percent of young people in New York City are considered “disconnected,” meaning they are not in school or employed. They wanted to give their peers quick and easy access to organizations in New York City that can help them find a job, complete their education, and get access other services. In collaboration with the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP), we designed and produced a mobile website that includes over 150 education, employment, housing, legal, and health resources for young people ages 16-24 who are not in school and not working. in collaboration with Erik Riley, Chris Wolf, Clara Amenyo, Valeria Mogilevich, Linda Baird, Nicholas Chung