Partner & Partners, LLC was founded in 2013 and prioritizes projects and groups that promote social, economic, and environmental justice, with actionable visions for a just future.
Current Team
Greg Mihalko, Erik Riley, Zach Mihalko, Devika Sen, Lulu Johnson, Logan Heffernan
Past and Present Collaborators
Maddy Angstreich, Amaya Avila, Shravani Bagawde, Chase Booker, Emily Bluedorn, Maddy Bruster, Ben Cohen, Jansen Cumbie, Mike Tully, Taylor Engel, Laura Foxgrover, Dylan Gauthier, Kathy Geisel, Tiya Gordon, Stuart Heys, Isabel Imbriano, Yeji Kim, Marta Klopf, Aarya Kini, Aellon Krider, Cassandra Leveille, Stephan von Muehlen, Kathleen Ma, Dunnecia Moore, Ethel Moore, Gerardo Madera, Josh MacPhee, Sejin Park, Keith Poplawski, Anna Simões, Maggie Schreiner, Kathleen Scudder (former partner), Stephen Winsor, Raina Wellman
Partner & Partners stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and adheres to PACBI (the Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel). Learn more →
We are always looking for interested collaborators – particularly UX designers, front-end developers, and project managers – send us a note if you are interested.
Why creative labour isn’t always seen as “real work” – and what that means for artists and designers
It’s Nice That, 2024
Choosing clients is the single biggest decision a designer can make. Here’s how to do it right
Fast Company, 2023
Op-ed: Every Design Studio Should Be a Worker-Owned Studio
AIGA Eye on Design, 2021
On building tools for better worlds
The Creative Independent, 2021
If “Labor Is Entitled to All It Creates,” Where Does That Leave Graphic Design?
AIGA Eye on Design, 2021
In a Changing World, Design Studios Find Stability and Social Equity in the Co-op Model
AIGA Eye on Design, 2021
Co-Op Collectibles
Urban Omnibus, 2020
What Design Can Do: Spark Social Change
Adobe 99U, 2017
[email protected]
+1 (212) 206-0013
The Old American Can Factory
232 3rd Street
Suite E301
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Photograph by Rachel Quan.

- 596 Acres
- A Blade of Grass
- A Hundred Years
- Alliance for Youth Action
- Art+Feminism
- Ask Holly How
- Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development
- Berkman Klein Center
- Booklyn
- Brian House
- Buffalo Film Festival
- California Migration Museum
- Catskill Center
- Center for Architecture
- Center for Urban Pedagogy
- Columbia University
- Democratic Socialists of America
- Dylan Gauthier
- EFA Project Space
- Fast Food Justice
- Freshkills Park
- Future Firm
- Half Letter Press
- Harvard University
- Hell Gate
- Housing Court Answers
- Housing Justice for All
- Immigration Equality
- Institute for Ocean Arts and Sciences
- Interference Archive
- Jain Family Institute
- Jubilee Films
- Julia Salazar for Senate
- Justseeds
- Kasmin Gallery
- Mare Liberum
- Mariame Kaba
- Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity
- MIT Department of Architecture
- Nine Main Bakery
- North Brooklyn Neighbors
- NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- NYC Economic Development
- NYC Mayor's Office
- Partner & Partners
- Play-Making Now
- Queens Museum
- RAB Lighting
- Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
- Sea & Soil
- Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture
- Stories
- Sunview Luncheonette
- Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University
- The Antique Boat Museum
- The Center for the Humanities
- the Chicago Architecture Foundation
- The Driver's Cooperative
- The Greenpoint Chamber
- The Illuminator
- The Laundromat Project
- The Municipal Art Society of New York
- UnionDocs
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Urban Democracy Lab
- Urban Design Forum
- Van Alen Institute
- Waging Nonviolence